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grado labs santa rosa

Lavish is proud to be the exclusive dealer of Grado Labs in Santa Rosa. This American audio manufacturer has grown through word-of-mouth about their excellent products for over sixty-five years. Founded by a master watchmaker in 1953, and currently run by the second and third generation of Grados, this brand has history. Over the years the company has produced cartridges, speakers, turntables, and tonearms, but starting in the 1990s their signature product became Grado headphones.

Grado Headphones - High Quality Sound

Grado headphones are a premium investment for audiophiles, bringing the finest sound quality to sonic reproduction. Every pair is handmade, with almost every product still craftedin the Brooklyn workshop where it all started. Even without traditional marketing, Grado Labshas grown into one of the leading manufacturers of high-end headphones, making a splash from New York to Santa Rosaand beyond. GQ described Grado headphones as “An unmistakable style where refinement, premium materials, meticulous design, and harmony of the bass-mid-bass trio sublimate the listening.” Tech Crunch claimed they have “the best audio gear in the business”. Wired Magazine even named them “Best Headphones in the World”. It’s no surprise that special editions sell out quickly.

World Class Headphones

So where can you get your hands on a pair? Lavish is the exclusive dealer of Grado Labs products in Santa Rosa. In addition to their full line of world-class headphones, we also stock a wide selection of Grado’s precision-crafted phono cartridges. Come into our showroom to experience music as it was meant to be heard — crisp and clear, warm and full, and exactly as the artist intended it.