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home automation company novato ca

Find yourself at home with the North Bay’s premiere home automation company serving Novato CA and other Sonoma County cities. Lavish Automation has a showroom located in Santa Rosa and is accepting appointments to discuss smart home solutions for homeowners throughout the area, whether you’d like to start small or are ready for a complete smart home system. We offer unique home solutions like ambient temperature control, shade and lighting automation, complete security systems, auto door locks, smart appliances, sound systems, home theaters, and much more.

Bringing Smart Home Solutions to You

As technology continues to advance, more and more automated systems are becoming available and more affordable prices. These systems are totally scalable, giving you the opportunity to begin with one system and grow to more as your budget allows. Our home automation company serves homeowners throughout the Novato area and we can arrange a home visitation and walkthrough to determine which system will work best for you. The right smart home solutions for your house could include anything from a video surveillance system with motion activated lighting to an ambient environment that gives you full control of lighting, sound, and temperature from your smart device. Set the mood before you get home by activating one of your preset profiles. You’ll walk into a home set to your preferred temperature and brightness level. As you prepare to cook dinner, queue up your favorite jazz or rock tunes to get you in the zone and relax – everything’s taken care of for you. Worried your teenager may have forgotten to lock the door on their way to school? Simply log in remotely and lock them from anywhere in the world. Give yourself peace of mind by checking up on your security feeds from the comfort of your bed using a tablet. Whatever you need, the automated solution is there for you.

Lavish Automation is a home automation company serving Novato, with headquarters in Healdsburg and a showroom in Santa Rosa. You can contact us at 707-433-9199 to set up an appointment or estimate. We’re here to make your home feel more like a home.

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