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Home Automation Systems Sonoma CA

There’s no end to the possibilities for home automation systems in Sonoma CA. We’re rapidly moving into a future we could only imagine even a few years ago – one where our homes are automated at nearly every level, from appliance turn-off to door locks to sound systems. The best home automation is innovative and flexible, working well with other systems to create a synchronized whole. At Lavish Automation, we’ve made it our goal to provide Sonoma County with the latest and most revolutionary smart home automation solutions that you can find anywhere.

Providing Sonoma County with the Latest Home Automation

A smart home system works by consolidating all of your various home systems into one central control location, whether that takes the form of a panel located in your home or an app on your tablet or smartphone. From a single device, you can now control your home’s lighting, sound system, temperature control, security, surveillance, shades, door locks, and much more. Today’s home automation systems in Sonoma County even work via mobile device, allowing you access to your home from virtually anywhere that you can access your phone. Monitor your surveillance cameras, receive alerts from your alarm systems, and even unlock doors remotely to allow housekeepers or babysitters into the house. In our experience, the best home automation systems offer a high level of flexibility, giving you the opportunity to start in one area and gradually expand as your budget and comfort level allow. You might choose to install automated lighting and door locks first. Shade automation and temperature control are natural follow-ups, followed by security upgrades. A wireless multiroom speaker system will up your entertainment factor, and from there, the sky’s the limit.

Enjoy complete control and comfort in your home with one of many available home automation systems. We have two locations in Sonoma County – Lavish Automation, located in Healdsburg, which serves customers seeking home automation; and Lavish Hi-Fi, located in Santa Rosa, serving customers looking to install high-end music systems and home theaters. For more information or to set up an appointment, please contact the corresponding location.